Monday, August 26, 2013

E-mail over Social Networks : The winner has arrived!E-mail over Social Networks : The winner has arrived!

Social Networking, messaging, online chats and blogging, are terms that have certainly become the heart of communication in today’s time. However, when it comes to e-mail, most of us have reached a time when we find it old and declined, well, except for official purposes.

Whereas, if we look at the larger picture, we will find that it continues to be the backbone of Social web and a much better medium of communication. Many of us might disagree with the statement but this is what the current scenario relates to.

There are a number of Social Networks that we use today. Depending on various professions, age groups and interests, people have chosen their pick among Social Networks. Some might prefer Facebook as a Social Networking, while some would find Tweeting much faster. Video and graphic enthusiasts would definitely stick to Pinterest and the list goes on.

But, is there any of these platforms which combines the masses as a whole?

The answer would be no. The glue that still holds all the social networks and the digital aspect of communication together is the definitely E-mail.

We use a variety of media in our day to day life but now everything has been somehow integrated into the E-mail. We have Google hangouts, Voice chats, Text messaging, Video calls, Voice calls and much more that is offered by E-mail providers.

It would not be wrong to consider E-mail as the biggest Social Network so far. Reports say that there are 2.4 billion people in the Internet worldwide and around 2.2 billion of them use e-mail.

For a school going kid it might be normal to not have an E-mail, but for a professional who seeks a job or for someone one who is already employed, opting out of email would be career suicide.

When asked about their perception of E-mail people mostly define it as being boring and non-interesting but this statement is definitely going to change soon.

Email is Intelligent

Internet giant Google is about to reshape its Gmail design. It is now going to add auto-sort messages into tabbed categories where users can filter their messages very easily. Gmail would also be having a category system which differentiates the messages such as "Primary" (real people), "Social" (social networking messages), "Promotions" (commercial content you signed up for), "Updates" (alerts and notifications from various services) and "Forums" (updates from online message boards).

One has the option of taking or leaving any of these tabs as per their discretion.

Microsoft on the other hand has shifted its users to, which is the cloud version of its Outlook email application and has shut down its Hotmail service.

Gmail and have been increasingly integrating other services as well, bringing in Skype video calls and chats, including chats with Google users, as well as SkyDrive support, which is Microsoft's cloud storage service. Also, they are enabling users to have their contacts automatically updated from multiple social networks.

Email as a podium

Beyond every improvement, the status of E-mail is the platform. A new world of Gmail and Outlook add-ons, which are actually browser extensions, enable you to do things like delay the sending of email, track messages and get notifications when recipients open your message. Some of the best ones are Boomerang, Bananatag and Right Inbox.

Other add-ons also let you get around file attachment size limitations whereas others serve specific professionals, such as salespeople.

Email as the biggest Social Network

Email is not only the biggest, most important and in some ways most the vibrant Social Network, but it is also the best. The reason is that as Social Networks become more automated and algorithmically determined, and noisy and full of intrusive advertising; E-mail on the other hand provides a user interface to those same networks, but, with you being in control.


Jeric Canete BS Info 2-B
Bret Requiron BS Info 2-B
Arthur Epiz BS Info 2-B

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