Monday, August 12, 2013

Trends in Computer Hardware

Matthew Nelson

The future of hardware is quite shaky because of the troubles between software and hardware computer engineers and now that software could not keep up with hardware, hardware may be declining as software will take precedence. One thing to consider is that hardware cannot be eliminated completely. The market will always demand for faster, lighter, more compatible, and overall better hardware. It can be stated that hardware may not enlist as many jobs as software does currently because of the need and advances in software technology compared to hardware technology. Hardware is and will continue to create new applications that will make life and businesses easier and more successful.
A new and applicable type of technology that is used in common hardware applications is called COTS. Commercial of the shelf products commonly known as COTS, have proved to be dependable and reliable in the changing computer world. COTS allow for software developers to "deliver new products, and a hardware platform for adding custom hardware". As new hardware becomes the newest standard, USB has also taken precedence as the leader in external hardware transfers. The COTS hardware are in correct line and help new computer advances such as XML protocol and new wireless advances. (Low Risk COTS, 2005).
Another new hardware technology is the microcontroller unit. "The microcontroller unit (MCU) populates end-market products from automobiles to Smart Cards. The 16-bit and 32-bit+ MCUs are key products in high-end consumer products, automotive applications and industrial control hardware. MCU's broad application base and wide range of embedded memory and other technology contribute to their steady unit and revenue growth" (Microcontrollers with Flash, 2008). MCU's will continue to see their use in products outside of the typical home computer, which will lead hardware developers in the right direction for diversification of applications.
The tension between hardware and software engineers has led to an interesting relationship. The two types of engineers must learn to work together because software and hardware engineers need each other in proper communication to achieve separate goals. "The types of hardware that are being developed have to keep up with and continually inter phase with software developments for all types of applications across the board in all different fields of study. As CPU's increase in their capacity, the software created will continually take up more than enough room which allows the continual growth of CPU's within the industry" (Sauer, 2004). From research completed, the balance between software and hardware engineers must stay of equal importance in order for optimal work completion.
When engineers do not line up with similar objectives, problems with the plans hardware engineers have established cannot be met because of the lack of software development for hardware projects. John Bruggeman, Chief Marketing Manager of Wind River, points to the real problem behind this exact scenario that the "hardware guys pushed forward and the software did not keep up" (John Bruggeman and Wind River, 2008). Bruggeman contributes a lack of communication and connection between software and hardware engineers created this problem, and an increase in communication and connected goals achieved can correct and prevent this problem.
Trends in Computer Software
An interview with John Bruggeman, Chief Marketing Manager of Wind River, a software engineering firm based in the United Kingdom, describes how different software programs have grown much more rapidly than hardware applications. Bruggeman focuses on the Linux software program that has seen faster than expected growth. "For us the Linux business has grown from zero to $50m in 24 months." (John Bruggeman and Wind River, 2008). Not only Linux, but also Amazon has created a unique opportunity for expansion. Amazon web services have released their new business information technology management products that include renting servers, instead of forcing companies to buy outright many expensive servers. In a recent technology release article, "Amazon charges 15 cents for a gigabyte of storage and 10 cents an hour for a server, services that customers say are up to 90% cheaper than rental alternatives from computer-hosting companies like Equinix and Rackspace" (Hardy, 2008).
So far, the market has taken to Amazon's idea and have shown Amazon that their "web Services has already won over customers such as the New York Times, Red Hat and SanDisk." (Hardy, 2008). Other companies such as IBM and Sun are "struggling to move to the new model. Sun already offers an online rental system and expects to keep selling hardware. 'We've got to be the infrastructure,' says Greg Papadopoulos, Sun's chief technical officer. If you can't beat them, arm them. (Hardy, 2008). Sun's final statement proves that Amazon's Web Services functions have indeed struck a new market that will continue to prosper.
Laptop Hardware Trends
Two opposite trends continue to take strong root that have proven to divide computer owners nation wide, Apple's redefined version of the laptop and all PC companies fighting for territory lines. Apple products remain more advanced, specified for desired applications, and carry a higher brand image where as traditional PC's have proven to have a longer history, excellent business applications, and ultimately the lower price. Both sides are shedding hardware and adding software all in order to please their target market.
No longer are CD drives absolutely necessary for PC laptops and neither are seventeen inch laptop screens. The average person does not need as many programs that most computers come with, so instead, some companies such as Asus' EeePc product is reasonably priced and follows this years common themes. A new advance will be network attached storage devices that will allow people to store large media files that can be wirelessly transferred onto external hard drives. The complete image of the laptop will be redesigned by hardware companies with the added monetary help from consumers. "The notebook will no longer be thought of as a tool for the traveling big shot or the coffee house workforce. It will be everywhere. It will be in schools, in the hands of children, inner city housing projects, even illegal immigrants will become citizens of the 'net with this new pervasive, inexpensive technology." (McClure, 2008). By decreasing computer costs, untapped computer owner markets will be exposed and reached out to for enhanced product sells for PC companies.
While PC companies are cutting costs and trying to enter new ethnic groups into computer owners, Apple is steadily winning over the hearts of frustrated PC owners. A current article published by a consistent PC owner for more than twenty-five years shares his likes and dislikes for his new hardware change from PC laptops to Apple's MacPro laptop. Weber, an editor for the Journal of Financial Services, states that he "knew the switch would be time-consuming, but my assessment included the existence of fabulous technical support both on the phone and in local Apple stores, weekly private training for $99 a years if you're lucky enough to live reasonably close to an Apple store" (Weber, 2007). This unique strategy of offering tutorial lessons for new owners of Apple computers have proven to be an excellent idea in order to lower the fears in consumers about relearning the computer. Weber writes that one of the biggest benefits with having a MAC is that its operating system, OS X, is integrated with the computer and Apple's own software, which creates easier and more user friendly access to programs. This differs from PCs, which are not integrated with various software programs, and must run millions of lines of programming code to manage all the different hardware permutations associated with the various pieces of software" (Weber, 2007). The integration of hardware to software has been a constant struggle over the years for PC related hardware and software companies. Apple has not only simplified the amount of code needed, but has appropriately united hardware to software in order to integrate one into the other. While Apple breaks ahead of the industry norms for hardware trends, PC companies create lighter, faster, and cheaper computers. The victor in this battle will take time in order to prevail.
Advances in 2008 are not only for the laptop consumers, but also for advances in gaming technology. This year includes the release of Microsoft's first service pack for Vista. This will draw the attention of Microsoft fans towards Vista with the problems worked out and advances that will advance their gaming graphics with DirectX 10. (McClure, 2008). With the new Vista Pack making its release in 2008, consumers will be able to have more confidence in a less frustrating and easier to use software.
In conclusion, the trends in computer hardware applications have continued to grow outside of the basic computer application to cars, business, and all other parts of life. The relationship between hardware and software engineers must continue to stay in proper communication in order for similar goals to be reached for optimal growth. Not only hardware has seen growth in the past four years, but software programs and applications have grown at an even faster rate through applications such as DirectX 10 and Linux. The newest and market changing effects are happening among Amazon Web Services which has allowed the use to rent instead of own servers for companies. Both hardware and software markets could see similar changes in many different applications which is not inclusive of servers alone. As technology moves forward, the growth and expansion will be at a slower rate for hardware, but will still be needed in order for applications to be in use in a successful environment.


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