Sunday, August 11, 2013

100Gbps and beyond: What lies ahead in the world of networking

App-aware firewalls, SAN alternatives, and other trends for the future.

by David Strom


Software-defined networks

As enterprises invest heavily in virtualization and hybrid clouds, one element still lags: the ability to quickly provision network connections on the fly. In many cases this is due to procedural or policy issues.
Some of this lag can be removed by having a virtual network infrastructure that can be as easily provisioned as spinning up a new server or SAN. The idea behind these software-defined networks (SDNs) isn't new: indeed, the term has been around for more than a decade. A good working definition of SDN is the separation of the data and control functions of today's routers and other layer two networking infrastructure with a well-defined programming interface between the two. Most of today's routers and other networking gear mix the two functions. This makes it hard to adjust network infrastructure as we add tens or hundreds of VMs to our enterprise data centers. As each virtual server is created, you need to adjust your network addresses, firewall rules, and other networking parameters. These adjustments can take time if done manually, and they don't really scale if you are adding tens or hundreds of VMs at one time.
Automating these changes hasn't been easy. While there have been a few vendors to offer some early tools, the tools were quirky and proprietary. Many IT departments employ virtual LANs, which offer a way to segment physical networks into more manageable subsets with traffic optimization and other prioritization methods. But vLANs don't necessarily scale well either. You could be running out of head room as the amount of data that traverses your infrastructure puts more of a strain on managing multiple vLANs.
The modern origins of SDN came about through the efforts of two computer science professors: Stanford's Nick McKeown and Berkeley's Scott Shenker, along with several of their grad students. The project was called "Ethane" and it began more than 15 years ago, with the goal of trying to improve network security with a new series of flow-based protocols. One of these students was Martin Casado, who went on to found an early SDN startup that was later acquired by VMware in 2012. A big outgrowth of these efforts was the creation of a new networking protocol called OpenFlow.
Now Google and Facebook, among many others, have adopted the OpenFlow protocol in their own data center operations. The protocol has also gotten its own foundation, called the Open Networking Foundation, to move it through the engineering standards process.
The OpenFlow topology.
Open Networking Summit
OpenFlow offers a way to have programmatic control over how new networks are setup and torn down as the number of VMs waxes and wanes. Getting this collection of programming interfaces to the right level of specificity is key to SDN and OpenFlow's success. Now that VMware is involved in OpenFlow, we expect to see some advances in products and support for the protocol, plus a number of vendors who will offer alternatives as the standards process evolves.
SDN makes sense for a particular use case right now: that of hybrid cloud configurations where your servers are split between your on-premises and offsite or managed service provider. This is why Google et al. are using them to knit together their numerous global sites. With OpenFlow, they can bring up new capacity across the world and have it appear as a single unified data center.
But SDN isn't a panacea, and for the short-term it probably is easier for IT staff to add network capacity manually rather than rip out their existing networking infrastructure and replace with SDN-friendly gear. The vendors who have the lion's share of this infrastructure are still dragging behind on the SDN and OpenFlow efforts, in part because they see this as a threat to their established businesses. As SDNs become more popular and the protocols mature, expect this situation to change.

Backup as a Service

As more applications migrate to Web services, one remaining challenge is being able to handle backups effectively across the Internet. This is useful under several situations, such as for offsite disaster recovery, quick recovery from cloud-based failures, or backup outsourcing to a new breed of service providers.
There are several issues at stake here. First is that building a fully functional offsite data center is expensive, and it requires both a skilled staff and a lot of coordinated effort to regularly test and tune the failover operations. That way, a company can be ready when disaster does strike to keep their networks and data flowing. Through the combination of managed service providers such as and vendors such as QuorumLabs, there are better ways to provide what is coming to be called "Backup as a Service."
 Enlarge / QuorumLabs system architecture, showing how it can duplicate and backup 
Windows servers across the Internet.
Both companies sell remote backup appliances that work somewhat differently to provide backups. Trustyd's appliance is first connected to your local network and makes its initial backups at wire speeds. This is one of the limitations of any cloud-based backup service, because making the initial backup means sending a lot of data over the Internet connection. That can take days or weeks (or longer!). Once this initial copy is created, the appliance is moved to an offsite location where it continues to keep in sync with your network across the Internet. Quorum's appliance involves using virtualized copies of running servers that are maintained offsite and kept in sync with the physical servers inside a corporate data center. Should anything happen to the data center or its Internet connection, the offsite servers can be brought online in a few minutes.
This is just one aspect of the potential problem with backup as a service. Another issue is in understanding cloud-based failures and what impact they have on your running operations. As companies virtualize more data center infrastructure and develop more cloud-based apps, understanding where the failure points are and how to recover from them will be key. Knowing what VMs are dependent on others and how to restart particular services in the appropriate order will take some careful planning.
An exemplary idea is how Netflix has developed a series of tools called "Chaos Monkey" that it has since made publicly available. Netflix is a big customer of Amazon's Web Services, and to ensure that it can continue to operate, the company constantly and deliberately fails parts of its Amazon infrastructure. Chaos Monkey seeks out Amazon's Auto Scaling Groups (ASGs) and terminates the various virtual machines inside a particular group. Netflix released the source code on Github and claims it can be designed for other cloud providers with a minimum of effort. If you aren't using Amazon's ASGs, this might be a motivation to try them out. The service is a powerful automation tool and can help you run new (or terminate unneeded) instances when your load changes quickly. Even if your cloud deployment is relatively modest, at some point your demand will grow and you don't want to depend on your coding skills or having IT staff awake when this happens and have to respond to these changes. ASG makes it easier to juggle the various AWS service offerings to handle varying load patterns. Chaos Monkey is the next step in your cloud evolution and automation. The idea is to run this automated routine during a limited set of hours with engineers standing by to respond to the failures that it generates in your cloud-based services.

Application-aware firewalls

Firewalls are well-understood technology, but they're not particularly "smart." The modern enterprise needs deeper understanding of all applications that operate across the network so that it can better control and defend the enterprise. In the olde.


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